Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Finding the field of view

What we were trying to do with this experiment was find out what were the limits of which the sound sensor can sense. So we started out by first finding the furthest distance(in a straight line) that the sensor can sense. we used a white board eraser to accomplish this. then we marked that line with tape and measured the distance. ours was around110cm. the every 10cm we marked a line on the tape and then we put the whiteboard eraser at the 10cm mark and marked how far out the sensor can sense the eraser. we did this every 10cm left and right. what we found was quite interesting. it seems that when it is closest(so around 10 to 30 cm) the sensor cannot sense that wide, maybe about 2 to 5 cm. but when the eraser is at the middle distance(around 40 to 70) the sensor starts to be able to sense wider. although it isnt always perfect there is that pattern. and then when we put the eraser at its furthest the sensor again goes back to picking up hardly anything. so from this experiment my teammates and i have concluded that the ultrasonic sensor works the best in the ranges of 40 to 70 cm.


B.Timmer said...

Interesting read, well worded I must say. Great job on your first blog.

y.shih said...

Sufficient explanation makes clear of the purpose of the experiment. Of course, putting it in bulleting format might make it easier for people to read. That is up to your choice. Keep up the work!

l.clark said...

Nicely done overview of the experiment, the details make your writing credible.
Might want to use bullets to make it easier to follow and pick up the key points.